Today, we are going to discuss the two primary methods of novel writing.
This may or may not be of interest to non-writers, but it may help readers to have a deeper understanding of what we go through in order to deliver to our readers a well-crafted novel. So here we go.
The two primary methods are Plotting and Pantsing.
In Plotting, the author methodically plans his or her story and then builds the narration and dialog around it.
In Pantsing, the author writes his or her ideas as they come, sorta like a stream of consciousness, they let the story develop as you go along.
There is, however, a third way to writing and that is called Mind-Mapping.
Mind Mapping is a visual representation of ideas and words arranged around a central concept. It is a step beyond Plotting. It can be used in planning your day, your week, or your next novel. You can use this system for building your character’s backstory or your plot. It can be used in poetry and even lyric writing.
How it works
The process of mind mapping is pretty simple: you let your mind come up with new words or details which relate to your main topic, and you add lines that connect these to the other topics. These tend to spark new ideas, and you just keep adding new lines or connections until you feel like you’ve covered everything you want to say about the topic.
For women authors, this is the perfect way to visualize how everything fits into your story. Some people call this a Spider web because everything is interconnected.
For men authors, who tend to compartmentalize, this system is ideal as it creates boxes in which you can park information related to your topics.
There are several ways to create a mind map. The easiest is with a sheet of paper and a pencil. I used a large foam board to form my plot, characters, relationships, and motives. If your story has a lot of characters and sub-themes, Mind Mapping can help you keep track of it all. This way one can visualize the whole story at a glance. You have probably seen this done in detective shows where the detective uses colored post-its and pictures of the victim and crime scene plastered all over a wall. It’s the same idea.
However, you can use an iPad or your PC/laptop as well. Using the iPad instead of your computer can simplify the process as multitasking on a desktop or laptop computer can be distracting. It helps a writer focus on the Mind Map better because it only lets him or her run one app at a time. That way they are essentially forced to be creative. There are tons of great desktop Mind Map applications for you to search for yourself. The app for the iPad is called iThoughtsHD. It’s not a free app, but if you’ve gotten the Mind Map bug, it’s well worth it.
With iThoughtsHD you can export your Mind Maps as PDFs which you can print out for future reference or keep on file for planning purposes. You can also export your Mind Maps into other formats. The great thing about this app is that you can also integrate it with your Dropbox, so you don’t need to plug your iPad in each time you create a new mind map. Your desktop will automatically sync up and download any new maps that you create.
Focusing on Theme in Your Mind Map
The key to brainstorming a strong plot is to explore the themes you want to bring out in your novel. Your characters embody the themes, and you want some character or characters to take one side of an issue and other characters to take an opposing side.
If you’re writing a novel that involves a murder, think about mind-mapping that theme and all the various opinions—pros and cons—on the issue. Think of the kinds of characters who might be affected by it, and give them a valid reason for it. Ask those characters “why” questions.
Then, on the map you are creating, make notes alongside each character with ideas about their background and personal history that contribute to that deep-seated belief they have about capital punishment. Maybe one character had a friend who was wrongly accused of murder and was found innocent after years of prison or even being executed. Maybe another character had a child murdered, and the murderer is now free due to some legal loophole.
I hope you can see how characters should be created and grow organically around the premise and themes of the novel you are writing. You can either start with the theme in the middle of the map, or a character you want to embody something regarding the theme.
What if You Aren’t Sure What Your Themes Are?
If your novel isn’t heavy on the theme, or you are not sure yet just what themes will arise (and there is almost some kind of theme in every novel, even if it is subtle), write your short premise or pitch in the middle, like this:
A man finds a note in a bottle that washed up on a beach which leads to him finding the love of his life.
Okay, that’s a simple plot concept. You know you want to write a romance, so what themes might come through the storyline?
Again, draw spokes outward like a wagon wheel with your premise in the center and brainstorm ideas that could lead to character development. Ask those important questions about core needs and deepest fears. What is that man afraid of? Maybe he’s afraid of love. Why? Because his wife died a few years ago and he doesn’t think he will ever be able to love again. Here’s a theme about being able to love again after pain and loss.
Maybe the woman sent an email to someone in the office whom she wants to take interest in her. Brainstorm that idea. Where could she be located and what would she be doing that would make it the perfect setting for her to send an email such as that?
You may end up with a lot of stupid ideas that don’t work, but by going through this creative mind-mapping process, you will ultimately come up with some good ones. It’s okay to let your creativity run amok. And don’t censor the ideas you come up with. Have a few laughs over the silly ones, and dig in deeper as you explore the really great ideas. A great way to find themes is to brainstorm.
One Last Point about Characters
Remember, your main character (and hopefully some of your secondary characters) has to grow and change through the novel. At the end of the day, what you have learned in the process showcases your theme. Be sure to generate ideas that relate to this character’s arc. The spokes connecting your various characters should include ideas of how your character changes, why they change, and what things caused their change. This will ultimately become important when the author pulls it all together.
More to come in future posts.
Thanks, hearing how it all comes together is interesting. I see that sitting down to a table prepared with a good meal is a lot easer that having to cook the meal and get it on the table for me. Thanks to you and the other authors for preparing meals, so we lazy gluttons only have to eat.